The Visual Studio Code Server
in this blog, I will show how to setup VS Code Server on Linux VM.
This feature is going to be very useful in near future, especially for those people, who prefer to do development using mobile devices on remote machines.
I assume you are familiar with VS Code remote development extension, this extension allows you to connect to cloud VMs remotely, you can, use vs code terminal, window to connect it your VM using SSH, you can also add/update files in remote machines from your local editor.
click here to setup a Cloud Debian VM
This works very well. However, you should have VS Code installed on your local machine.
Now, what would have been even cooler, if you can run VS Code from a browser window without SSH/HTTPs, so that, one can use tablets like mobile devices to connect to remote machines.
The visual studio code server offers this service.
However, this service is a BETA release as of today, and you must sign-up and get approved before you can use it.
Using this approach,
you don’t need to setup SSH or https, and instead,
You setup vs code as a server along with a CLI on your remote machine.
Then after you can access it as a web service.
VS Code for web i.e.
So, let’s install it on a linux machine
$ wget -O- | sh
Now, to run your VS Code server, type
$ code-server